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Battery Life, Resistance and Distance

Updated: Dec 10, 2018

The one original battery that comes with your Triad is equal to 100 lead acid batteries providing long lasting value for the entire lifetime of the battery. @triadmotion

Battery life can be effected by operational and environmental factors, usage and proper charging practices.

The higher the body weight, the more load resistance, the more air pressure should be in the front and rear tires to reduce drag to improve battery performance.

Rider weight (load resistance), tire type (drag), air pressure (drag), and speed (battery discharge rate) would be examples of operational resistance and terrain, and inclines would be examples of environmental resistance factors. Distance is directly related to any variable in these conditions. Distance is also directly related to proper use, proper charging practices and proper battery maintenance.

Battery life can be effected by operational and environmental factors, usage and proper charging practices. Rider weight (load resistance), tire type (drag), air pressure (drag), and speed (battery discharge rate) would be examples of operational resistance and terrain, and inclines would be examples of environmental resistance factors. Distance is directly related to any variable in these conditions. Distance is also directly related to proper use, proper charging practices and proper battery maintenance.

Knobby Tire

The knobby tire is both taller and wider than the street tire. Its available for your Triad 750 SF2, Triad 750 CSX and Triad Quantum Dual models. The taller the tire, the more energy it takes to turn the wheel. The knobby tire requires more amps from the battery to operate than it does to operate the street tire simply because the street tire is smaller in height and has shorter rotations and therefore requires less energy to move, but there is also a trade-off for less traction on the off-paved areas like campgrounds with more wheel spin on dirt, grass and compact gravel areas.

TIP: When using the knobby tire, try starting off of the low or mid speed setting to gain momentum and then switch up to high speed to more efficiently regulate the power in operations. Start off using less power. Starting off in high speed draws more amps from a dead stop similar to how your car has the lowest mile per gallon when accelerating up to cruising speed from a dead stop, and when maintaining cruising speed, you see the most conservative use of gasoline and significantly increased gas mileage. Similarly, it takes less electrical power to maintain your momentum than it does to create momentum.

Terrain, Resistance and Battery Distance

Terrain (e.g. campgrounds, grass, gravel, and dirt pathways) can affect the distance of the battery as well because these kinds environments increase resistance to the motor. Increasing resistance requires more battery power in any situation. The motor must use more power to operate over these environments compared to smooth paved areas. Reducing environmental and operational resistance will improve the distance you can travel. Smooth, paved areas have lower environmental resistance especially with the street tire.

Tire Pressure

It’s always best to be sure your tire pressure is inflated properly as well. More air pressure equals less drag on the battery. More air pressure in the tires will reduce the operational resistance. Increasing your tire pressure helps reduce the amount of power to operate the motor more efficiently in off-paved environments like campgrounds. Additionally, the higher the body weight, the more load resistance, more air pressure should be in the front and especially in the rear tires to reduce drag. Low air pressure in the rear tires where the body weight is centered can cause the most significant reduction in your distance due to the compounded operational and environmental resistance factors.

The vehicle is capable of operating at the distances as claimed in the user’s manual most certainly according the aforementioned variables. However, in order to reach the maximum distance the battery can provide, the vehicle should be operated by persons at or below 220 lbs., on low speed, on flat paved surfaces with a street tire having the proper air pressure. Any variable in these factors effects the total distance to which the vehicle is operational.

As for usage: While in operations if you drain the battery to full discharge and “kill” the battery while in use, you risk stunting the cells or shocking some percentage of battery’s cells into staying in a low charge state, and therefore the battery may not recharge every cell in the battery to its fullest capacity. Not being able to balance each cell in the battery because of improper use, improper charging or improper discharging practices can severely reduce the operational voltage capacity within the battery; which effects the recharge capacity and discharge depth and the distance. You will experience a significant reduction in distance if the cells have been stunted, especially during off-paved area operations which already require more power due to external resistance factors.

We do realize there are some limitations having all these different variables with all the options you have to build your Triad for your specific use and lifestyle, however we are very proud to know that our vehicles are built to have the natural power needed to operate effectively in all these types of environments with adults of all sizes. This is in striking contrast to that of our competitors whose 3 wheel scooters which look similar and can only effectively operate on flat, paved conditions.

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